by abreditor abreditor

CC2023 – Abidjan, Ivory Coast

This October we will be gathering for the first Continental Convention since 2019!

‘BETTER TOGETHER’ is the theme this year – both English and French speakers will be very welcome to be a part of this bilingual conference! Please contact the secretariat for details and registration if you haven’t already received the communications.

by admin admin

CC2019 – Nairobi, Kenya

People from 30 nations gathered in Nairobi, Kenya for the 6th Continental Convention!

‘In the way they should go’ – the theme of this Continental Convention, taken from Proverbs 22. What a privilege to gather to encourage one another, to be challenged and equiped to better serve the Lord using media in Africa. Please check the resources page to download content from the convention!

by admin admin

Regional conference in Dakar – 4th & 5th of March 2020

Join us in Dakar!

We are looking forward to the next regional meeting in March!
Media as a tool for Evangelism | Social media | Stop technology from draining your budget | Leadership | Reaching the Unreached | Christian media in Senegal and the region | Biblical Worldview | Media and Disciple Making Movements | Children and Youth
All of this and more will be covered through:
Prayer time | Discussions | Seminars | Networking time | Workshops | Interviews | Worship | Making new friends!
Please contact us if you haven’t yet registered!