Our Vision
AbR Media is a body of Christian media workers unified by an agreed strategy, supporting God’s plan for Africa.
We are committed to seeing that every man, woman and child in Africa is provided the opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ through a medium they can access, in a language they can understand, so they can become disciples of Jesus.
- To support a strategic framework for African Christian broadcasters with a view to avoiding duplication of effort, encouraging co-operation in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Sub-Saharan Africans.
- To promote co-ordination on broadcasting issues of a strategic nature.
- To promote continental, regional and local networking opportunities for Christian broadcasters.
- To encourage and support strategic research that will support the AbR Media vision.
- To maintain an extensive database for empowering new and existing media ministries.
- To promote and unify efforts to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through media in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- To encourage the development of targeted media for specific listener groups of a strategic nature.
- To promote training and development of Christian broadcasters, acknowledging the role of the Africa Media Trainers network.
We believe:
- That the Bible, as given by God, is Divinely inspired, infallible and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and practice.
- In one God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- In our Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles and His atoning death.
- In the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and His personal return.
- That all have sinned and are justly subject to the judgement of God.
- That redemption from sin is possible only through the death, shed blood and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- In the necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit to make the death of Christ effective to the individual sinner, granting repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, enabling the believer to live a holy life and to witness and work for Him.
- In the resurrection of the body, the eternal reward of the righteous, and the eternal penalty of the unrighteous.
- That every believer is baptized into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit. Believers are therefore members of one another, responsible for keeping the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace, loving one another fervently with a pure heart.
Actions on Strategic Issues:
- Code of Professional Practice
- (Objective) To promote a high level of media professionalism and ethical conduct amongst the associates of AbRMedia by encouraging the adoption and implementation of the code of Professional Conduct
- (Action) The Code of Professional Practice should be included as attachment with the first introduction of AbRMedia.
- (Action) Make the Code of Professional Practice a training consideration when we plan training events.
- (Objective) To promote a high level of media professionalism and ethical conduct amongst the associates of AbRMedia by encouraging the adoption and implementation of the code of Professional Conduct
- Key location.
- (Objective) To identify the key locations in Africa and maintain a database of where Christian media ministries exist and where they need to be strengthened or started.
- (Action) Steering Committee members shall review the AbRMedia list of existing stations on a regular basis and provide updates to the secretariat to maintain the accuracy of the database.
- (Action) The subject will be an agenda item at each AbRMedia Steering Committee meetings.
- (Objective) To facilitate the sharing of programmes, programming ideas and strategies as well as concepts appropriate to city dwellers.
- (Action) Steering Committee members shall share new information when it becomes available with the AbRMedia network.
- (Action) Conduct long term research to identify issues unique to urban areas to equip associates to address them in their context eg environmental issues of cities are different to rural issues.
- (Objective) To identify opportunities to establish radio stations in key cities.
- (Action) AbRMedia will act as a catalyst to empower and equip the local Church and other partners to fulfill their vision.
- (Objective) To identify the key locations in Africa and maintain a database of where Christian media ministries exist and where they need to be strengthened or started.
- “Giants” of Africa: Poverty/unemployment, HIV/AIDS, sexism, tribalism, violence, family in crisis, crime and corruption, greed, and environment.
- (Objective) To encourage the AbRMedia associates to address these social issues by developing relevant programming and share effective strategies.
- (Action) Encourage all stations and production houses to produce more relevant programs and share their experiences and strategies in addressing these giants including programs that deal relevantly with social issues.
- (Objective) To encourage the AbRMedia associates to address these social issues by developing relevant programming and share effective strategies.
- Prayer network
- (Objective) To stimulate the sharing of prayer needs within the AbRMedia network.
- (Action) Steering Committee members and AbRMedia associates submit prayer concerns to the secretariat. A prayer bulletin will be distributed quarterly to all Steering Committee members and to available associates addresses.
- (Objective) To stimulate the sharing of prayer needs within the AbRMedia network.
- Training
- (Objective) To promote and facilitate training and development that will lead to a new level of excellence in broadcasting. We recognize Africa Media Trainers (AMT) as a major facilitator.
- (Action) Promote the necessity for training to move towards excellence in broadcasting. (All Steering Committee members)
ii. Directly involve credible training providers (eg. Africa Media Trainers in recognized areas of training needs.)
- (Action) Promote the necessity for training to move towards excellence in broadcasting. (All Steering Committee members)
- (Objective) To promote and facilitate training and development that will lead to a new level of excellence in broadcasting. We recognize Africa Media Trainers (AMT) as a major facilitator.
- Joint planning
- (Objective) To discuss strategic issues and formulate a strategic framework for Africa and update it on an annual basis.
- (Action) Implement what we have done so far. (All Steering Committee members)
- (Objective) To facilitate the sharing of relevant operational information in order to avoid duplication and promote cooperation and coordination.
- (Action) Prepare to share information at the annual AbRMedia Steering Committee meetings. (All Steering Committee members)
- (Objective) To encourage cooperation and coordination at the regional and local levels.
- (Action) Schedule meetings wherever and whenever appropriate. Keep an ongoing e-mail communication. (All Steering Committee members)
- (Objective) To assist associates to identify the key elements of an effective project plan.
- (Action)Define the characteristics of outcomes, outputs and deliverables necessary to evaluate effective projects.
- (Action) Share experiences with associates and equip them with planning tools to maximise efficient completion of their projects
- (Objective) To discuss strategic issues and formulate a strategic framework for Africa and update it on an annual basis.
- Unreached people groups
- (Objective) To research and verify information on people groups unreached by Christian media.
- (Action) Steering Committee members shall review the AbRMedia list of existing stations on a regular basis and provide updates to the secretariat to maintain the accuracy of the database.
ii. (Action) The subject will be an agenda item at each AbRMedia Steering Committee meetings.
- (Action) Steering Committee members shall review the AbRMedia list of existing stations on a regular basis and provide updates to the secretariat to maintain the accuracy of the database.
- (Objective) To encourage the major international partners to focus on the remaining unreached languages within Africa and develop a cooperative strategy to finish the task.
- (Action) Prioritise according to the information available.
- (Objective) To research and verify information on people groups unreached by Christian media.
- Strategic monitoring and action.
- (Objective) To monitor and be alert to the ever changing context of ministry in Africa to develop relevant strategies.
- (Action) Steering Committee members will keep in contact and inform each other when they become aware of any critical change on the continent.
- (Action) Discuss possible joint partnerships to implement revised strategies.
- (Objective) To monitor and be alert to the ever changing context of ministry in Africa to develop relevant strategies.
- ABR communication
- (Objective) To standardise documentation about AbRMedia and disseminate it to all our existing contacts.
- (Action) Develop and implement consistent formatting of documents that identifies them as official AbRMedia communication.
- (Objective) To utilize existing regional and local forums to promote participation in AbRMedia.
- (Action) Steering Committee members take responsibility to promote AbRMedia at any relevant regional or local forums they attend or are aware of.
- (Objective) To standardise documentation about AbRMedia and disseminate it to all our existing contacts.
- Media and Church/Mission
- (Objective) Act as a catalyst for the Church to engage and integrate with communities around them, using media to fulfill its mandate of making disciples.
- (Action) Train church leaders and missionaries (associates) on how to use media to assist them in reaching those who do not know Jesus.
- (Action) Provide a clearing house of training opportunities for those ministries interested in using media as part of their outreach strategy.
- (Action) Link associates to AbR Media members with expertise in media ministry so that the associates are able to deliver results from their media projects.
- (Objective) Act as a catalyst for the Church to engage and integrate with communities around them, using media to fulfill its mandate of making disciples.